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  • Thomas Davis

Statement on Kentucky Supreme Court's Decision on School Choice

This week's decision by the Kentucky Supreme Court to strike down school choice was unprecedented, unprincipled, and unpersuasive. Going against the prevailing legal consensus of the U.S. Supreme Court and every other state supreme court, the Kentucky Supreme Court became the nation’s first high court to invalidate a tax credit school choice program.

Kentucky’s activist justices accomplished their legislative goals by drawing arbitrary and crooked lines to differentiate the Education Opportunity Account program from other existing albeit smaller programs that benefit students attending private schools in Kentucky.

In effect, the Kentucky Supreme Court ruled that the only allowable solution to Kentucky’s failing school system is to dump more money into the fire. While several underperforming school districts continue to spend roughly half a million dollars per year in each classroom, we believe real educational reform requires spending money more wisely.

Without accountability through parental choice, Kentucky’s educational outcomes will continue to lag behind all surrounding states that offer robust educational choice programs.

Commonwealth Educational Opportunities is committed to ensuring that all children have access to the school that best fits their needs and reflects their family values.

Despite this week’s setback, we will continue to fight for bold educational reform and are encouraged by the overwhelming and growing public support for school choice.


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