By Thomas Davis
First, they said that Critical Race Theory wasn't being taught in public schools. Then they said that it is only being taught in the urban school districts like Louisville.
But after last week's photos from Hazard emerged, it should now be clear to all that the liberal left's culture has permeated some of the most rural parts of our commonwealth.

Hazard High School hosted a "man pageant" for homecoming that included many sexualized dances. Girls were dressed as Hooters servers carrying drinks. Boys were dressed in drag who then gave the school principal and other administrators lap dances.
But now that the dust is starting to settle, it is apparent that there is more to the story than the pictures initially revealed.
First of all, this was not an event where teenagers spontaneously pushed the limits, and administrators were caught by surprise.
Instead, Hazard High School knowingly posted these inappropriate photos onto its social media page.
Even more concerning, this behavior has been going on for years. In 2017, a male student who was dressed in a black bra gave students a lap dance while having money thrown at him. In 2020, another male student danced to "Like a Virgin" in front of principal and town mayor "Happy" Mobelini while also touching him in suggestive ways.
Sadly, the local community has been ringing the alarm bells for over a decade to no avail. As far back as 2008, Mr. Mobelini was investigated after photos surfaced of the principal driving around with students smoking and drinking vodka in the back of the car. Ultimately, Mr. Mobelini was never charged because a report concluded that he was "never aware of the drinking."
Martin Luther King, Jr. famously noted that intelligence plus character is the true goal of education. Mr. Mobelini has previously explained away his behavior as an attempt to connect with the students to foster their academic engagement. However, we must never lose sight of the importance of character development in our schools. Without it, the future of our commonwealth and our nation are in danger.